
Scalloped Sky

God proved it again tonight, presenting us with a sight to brilliant for any painter's brush-the scalloped, layered sky of sweatsuit grey, a sight of beauty and precursor to the rush of wind and rain to come. 

No artist, no sculptor in some far -off land or time could match the plush, deep tones. No colors here,no brilliant hues, no clear sharp lines, but blends of cotton slush like snow filled bags.

 The swirl of mountain updrafts, whirl of cautious,practiced hand. Deft crush of whitecaps, peaks of grey meeting at a point beyond today and bringing a hectic world to a hush. 

Footprints in the sand

Footprints in the sand 

are very easy to make but 

quickly they get washed away.


Footprints in cement 

require more work and last an eternity's day. 


Footprints in the heart are hardest to make

and also the longest to stay. 

Point Athena 

The restless sea undulates, pulses, surges its way 

to greatness, but patiently. 


The restless heart beats, pounds, drive its way

to touch, but quietly. 


Waves of water break loudly over rocks in their path, 

wearing them down gradually. 

Waves of love crash crazily into the rocks of opposition

 and the stumbling blocks dissolve. 


Both the sea and the heart must wait for the final victory, 

the ultimate tranquility they seek. 

Patiently not idly, always working

at their incredibly overwhelming tasks, 


Until love--and the sea--wins

And they must, for they are us. 



Hands on You

*Note: This poem is from 1983 his beliefs changed over the years. He would likely say replace Lord and he with Universe or Spirit their.

The Lord has His eye on you today.

His vision never fails

He never blinks and misses a moment of our life. 

He tries not. He sees all. He loves you. 


The Lord has his hands on you today.

They never leave you. 

They never shake or tire like our hands often do. 

He tries not. He holds you. He loves you. 


The Lord has His arms around you today. 

The squeeze you so softly, so gently you hardly know hes with you. 

He tries not. He comforts you. He loves you. 

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